Managing Daily Medication 

Managing daily medication for a loved one with Alzheimer’s can be challenging, but a few essential tools can make it much more manageable. Here’s how we handle it for our mom, who also has severe asthma:

1. Simplify with PillPack

PillPack is our go-to pharmacy for daily medications. Her meds arrive by mail, neatly sorted into packets by date and time. This system eliminates the need for last-minute pharmacy trips and reduces stress. We still use a local pharmacy for occasional meds, but PillPack covers the essentials efficiently and lightens our load.

2. Stay Organized with MMS Plus

MMS Plus, a true game-changer in our mom’s medication management, is a comprehensive app that tracks and schedules everything from prescriptions to OTC meds, supplements, and vitamins. Our mom used the app’s weekly printed checklist for years to manage her meds independently. Checking off each medicine as she took it gave her a sense of pride in a job well done. Now, we offer more guidance to ensure she takes her medicine correctly, but she still enjoys ticking off each box. Each checkmark is like a gold star to her. The positive reinforcement of knowing she did a great job starts off her morning and ends her night on the right foot.

MMS Plus is more than a tool; it’s a key to our mom’s independence. This comprehensive app simplifies sharing her complete medication list with her doctors, enhancing communication and care coordination. It’s a game-changer that has empowered our mom to manage daily medications with confidence and pride.

3. Everything in one place

Our organization system is a simple yet effective way to bring a sense of order and control to our caregiving routine. All medication-related items are kept together in a tray, giving our mom a single, easily accessible location for her medicine. The MMS Plus checklist, a crucial part of our routine, is on a clipboard with a pen for easy updates.

We store her asthma inhaler in a container labeled Advair for quick identification. PillPack medications are neatly arranged in PillPack’s premium dispenser, ensuring easy access and reducing the risk of confusion. This system not only keeps us organized but also makes us feel more prepared and efficient in managing our mom’s medications. 

These tools provide our mom with a structured routine and the practice she needs to take her medicine on her own. This daily practice has been crucial in helping her use her asthma inhaler independently for the last seven years. As caregivers, these tools have simplified managing her medications and made the process stress-free. If you’re caring for someone with Alzheimer’s, we highly recommend them. They’ve made a significant difference for our family, and I’m confident they will for yours, too.

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